ACLS Provider - For individuals that have never had ACLS or have expired.
2 day course $130 (includes text book)
ACLS Update/Refresher - For individuals that are current and needs
1 day course - $90 (includes text book)
BLS for Healthcare Provider CPR - CPR for healthcare providers
4 Hours - $60 (include text book)
PALS Provider - For individuals that have never had PALS or have expired.
2 day course $130 (includes text book)
PALS UpdateRefresher - For individuals that are current and needs renewal.
1 day course - $90 (includes text book)
BLS/Heartsaver CPR Instructor - For individuals that want to become a CPR/First-aid Instructor.
1 day course plus self study course -
$225 (includes 1 set of instructor manuals)
ACLS Instructor - For individuals that want to become an ACLS instructor.
1 day course plus self study course -
$175(includes instructor manuals)
PALS Instructor - For individuals that want to become an PALS instructor.
1 day course plus self study course -
$175 (includes instructor manuals)
BLS and Heartsaver Skills Practice and Check-offs - For individuals that have completed part 1 of the On-Line AHA Course.
$30 BLS (Includes course card)
$40 Heartsaver (Includes course card)
ACLS and PALS Skills Practice and Check-offs - For individuals that have completed part 1 of the On-Line AHA Course.
$50 (includes course card)